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Children & Adolescents

All behavior is information that communicates when needs are not being met. Acting out and shutting down are two ways that children and adolescents are communicating, "I'm not okay".


The therapy process with children and adolescents will focus first on developing safety and trust within the therapeutic relationship before identifying where they need help and where they would benefit from independence, as well as navigating how to support your child's progress and build strong connections within the family system. We will get curious about what their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are trying to communicate.


Think of the process like this: therapy is where we work together to plant various seeds in a diverse garden. Because all of the seeds are different plants, they need different resources to grow, as well as varying amounts of sunlight and water to grow. In order for the 'seeds' planted in therapy to 'grow', the 'gardeners' will need to be consistent, present, and willing to trust the process, even if it feels like the seeds are not progressing like they should be. 


Together, we will lean into creative and evidence-based interventions, incorporating the tenets of play therapy, somatic experiencing, parts work, and more to better understand what is keeping your child/adolescent stuck in cycles dictated by stress responses.​​



Do you feel like you have followed all the 'right' steps to living a fulfilled life - embodying what it means to be a high achiever in school and work, getting into a competitive university, becoming a high performer in your workplace, building a marriage and family - but it still feels like something is missing or not quite right? Do you find that your thoughts often get in your way or inhibit you from connecting with yourself or others in meaningful ways? You've always known what success you've been chasing, so why does it continue to feel like you're failing?


In sessions, we will work on integrating thoughts with emotions and actions in the present moment to build relational sustainability while also healing deeper levels of self. We will work to reframe what life 'should' look like and build the skills you desire to improve your quality of life. ​


The human nervous system is designed to function in the context of community, allowing us not only to survive, but thrive in groups where we feel we belong. Family is where we initially learn how to feel safe, show love, and work together but it can also be the place where trauma, grief, and differing worldviews create disconnection and anger. Where there is hurt in families, there is also the capacity for healing and rewiring how we approach relationships in the future. 


​Family therapy is designed to address your 'stuck' points in an experiential ("in the present moment") manner. Together, we will facilitate connection via communicating effectively, processing past hurts, and becoming aware of how our individual stressors dominate our responses in the context of our family. We will get curious about what each family member brings into interactions and how their lived experience continues to play out in their relationships. 


Whether you're seeking therapy for you and young children/teens or adult children, parents, siblings, or adoptive/chosen family members, family therapy is effective for family members of all ages and relationships. With a focus on attachment and interpersonal neurobiology (how our nervous systems play off of the nervous systems around us and impact our relationships), we will navigate issues of separation/divorce, estrangement, trauma, grief/loss, adoption, and life transitions together. 




Walk & Talk

Repetitive and rhythmic movement, like walking, helps connect the brain and body to process the emotions that are working hard to ensure that we will survive, even if what we are doing feels more harmful than helpful. This model of therapy works well for those who have struggled to find relief in traditional therapeutic settings, children or adolescents that find it difficult to keep their bodies in one place at a time, or individuals that find themselves trapped in the 'rat-race' of corporate environments and big city lifestyles, struggling to slow down. 


Together, we will notice and utilize the wisdom of the natural world while building trust with our own bodies to reach and work with the deeper emotions that haven't yet been resolved with talk therapy alone. â€‹â€‹



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